Tor Browser Ubuntu

Defend yourself against tracking and surveillance. Circumvent censorship.

Download Tor Browser from the official website at

Our example here is for Linux, but Tor Browser also works for Windows and macOS.

Open a terminal and unpack the archive:

cd Downloads

tar -xf tor-browser-linux64-9.5.3_zh-CN.tar.xz

cd tor-browser_zh-CN

Use the provided script to install the app:

./start-tor-browser.desktop --register-app

Start Tor Browser. On Ubuntu, you can right-click on the dash and select Add to Favorites so that Tor Browser sticks to the GNOME dash.

If you are behind the GFW of China, click the Configure button. Check the box to say that Tor is censored in your country. Select bridge type meek-azure. If you know an obfs bridge line, you can alternatively select obfs4 and enter details for the bridge.

Check that Tor is working by visiting:

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