
Showing posts from November, 2019

Windows ShadowsocksR Client

You will need one or more ssr:// URLs. Before you begin, you will need to get these from whoever set up your ShadowsocksR server(s). Store them in Notepad. Open a browser and go to Select the repository for shadowsocksr-csharp at Select the releases tab at Download the Windows C# client software zip file . (There is a problem with the zip file .) Open Windows File Explorer. Go to your Downloads folder. To unzip the download, right-click on the downloaded file, and choose Extract All . This extracts the downloaded zip file into its own folder named ShadowsocksR-win-4.9.0 . Open the extracted folder ShadowsocksR-win-4.9.0 . Choose your executable depending on your Windows PC: For >= Windows 8 or with .NET 4.0, use ShadowsocksR-dotnet4.0.exe For <= Windows 7 or with...

V2RayN V2Ray GUI for Windows Download from . Unzip . Open folder v2rayN-Core . Launch program v2rayN.exe . Double-click on the V2RayN icon in the system tray to bring up the V2RayN control panel. Launch Notepad. Open the file where you saved your vmess URL. Copy the vmess URL to the Windows clipboard. Back in V2RayN, expand the menu items for 服务器 (Servers), and select the menu item 从剪贴板导入批量URL (Import URL from clipboard). After importing the definition, open the connection to this server. Now launch Chrome. From the three dots, select More Tools , then select Extensions . From the three bars, select Open Chrome Web Store . Search for Proxy SwitchyOmega by FelisCatus. Add SwitchyOmega to Chrome. Configure SwitchyOmega to proxy to host port 10808 . Turn on proxy. Test your proxy connection to the server at

V2-UI V2Ray User Management Panel

Image You will need a VPS and a domain name that points to that VPS. Start by installing Nginx on your VPS: apt install nginx Edit the Nginx default site configuration file: vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/default Insert your real server_name. Write the file to disk and quit the editor. Restart Nginx: systemctl restart nginx Install an SSL certificate as explained on Download and run the V2-UI installation script: apt install curl bash <(curl -Ls Install the Sqlite3 shell for Sqlite: apt install sqlite3 Invoke Sqlite3 for the V2-UI database: sqlite3 /etc/v2-ui/v2-ui.db Set the value of the base path equal to /v2-ui (leading slash but no trailing slash): update setting set value="/v2-ui" where key="base_path"; Do Ctrl + d to exit from Sqlite3. Restart the V2-UI panel: v2-ui restart You should see a message v2-ui 重启成功 (which mean...